Aly Raffauf
flake: update inputs
2024-11-26 22:38:02 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
flake.lock: Update (#180)
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / emudeck-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / petalburg-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
Flake lock file updates:
• Updated input 'disko':
'github:nix-community/disko/cb64993826fa7a477490be6ccb38ba1fa1e18fa8?narHash=sha256-f3SSp1axoOk0NAI7oFdRzbxG2XPBSIXC%2B/DaAXnvS1A%3D' (2024-11-16)
→ 'github:nix-community/disko/869ba3a87486289a4197b52a6c9e7222edf00b3e?narHash=sha256-%2B4U2I2653JvPFxcux837ulwYS864QvEueIljUkwytsk%3D' (2024-11-26)
• Updated input 'jovian':
'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS/a2c6d8d1acce49de8dc7ed951428aae901908316?narHash=sha256-AYB3yeogE9vtBuSStdFFmGR0kzGuumW4nrpdlcuZ/As%3D' (2024-11-16)
→ 'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS/e86d2ad72094354326887bd6fe156f327d63d491?narHash=sha256-1F83DUfEHnCZpGY4UOlWaamWoDx8eZ9tHaUF51p2hng%3D' (2024-11-26)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming':
'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/88cd24b3ea7301116fd5919f886e58d31c006ad3?narHash=sha256-l73nJDTaOzV8rIg/IFlkK5ya3F7/tPLI5HnQGzt4FCE%3D' (2024-11-17)
→ 'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/18b8f0796f3e9dd8b9d9f262a56f2914a0586a22?narHash=sha256-suhk41NhdsnN3aa7gpsr8KnYJtbaLeZBJMB2vqWbkzA%3D' (2024-11-25)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming/umu':
'git+' (2024-11-14)
→ 'git+' (2024-11-23)
• Updated input 'nixpkgs':
'github:nixos/nixpkgs/5e4fbfb6b3de1aa2872b76d49fafc942626e2add?narHash=sha256-OZiZ3m8SCMfh3B6bfGC/Bm4x3qc1m2SVEAlkV6iY7Yg%3D' (2024-11-15)
→ 'github:nixos/nixpkgs/23e89b7da85c3640bbc2173fe04f4bd114342367?narHash=sha256-y/MEyuJ5oBWrWAic/14LaIr/u5E0wRVzyYsouYY3W6w%3D' (2024-11-19)
• Updated input 'nur':
'github:nix-community/NUR/ac3ca33bee0460cd09d79288aada1f29e6f6aacf?narHash=sha256-E3QBnpoTVvKY8HZH99qIxRfoSgvJQuo5GbA8Tsmt2es%3D' (2024-11-17)
→ 'github:nix-community/NUR/0bec2bcc5ec0b5ef794080d75284b7bb0da4a401?narHash=sha256-iPQKqz1%2B6xRsaGsUvFsRUQ87IHQO29nVjj6IFzZ65Hg%3D' (2024-11-26)
• Updated input 'stylix':
'github:danth/stylix/9b61cc39b2c82f01b63bb0ae85865d7372697fc4?narHash=sha256-71iRk7zLR%2Br9urKPEoutLqPm3Tex6gLbZyWPI4VoHIs%3D' (2024-11-17)
→ 'github:danth/stylix/7689e621f87bce7b6ab1925dfd70ad1f4c80f334?narHash=sha256-T5k5ill%2BPNIEW6KuS4CpUacMtZNJe2J2q5eBOF4xWuU%3D' (2024-11-26)
• Updated input 'stylix/base16':
'github:SenchoPens/base16.nix/665b3c6748534eb766c777298721cece9453fdae?narHash=sha256-LlrC09LoPi8OPYOGPXegD72v%2B//VapgAqhbOFS3i8sc%3D' (2024-02-25)
→ 'github:SenchoPens/base16.nix/153d52373b0fb2d343592871009a286ec8837aec?narHash=sha256-%2BR1BH5wHhfnycySb7Sy5KbYEaTJZWm1h%2BLW1OtyhiTs%3D' (2024-11-21)
• Updated input 'stylix/base16/fromYaml':
'github:SenchoPens/fromYaml/11fbbbfb32e3289d3c631e0134a23854e7865c84?narHash=sha256-iX0pk/uB019TdBGlaJEWvBCfydT6sRq%2BeDcGPifVsCM%3D' (2023-07-16)
→ 'github:SenchoPens/fromYaml/106af9e2f715e2d828df706c386a685698f3223b?narHash=sha256-lq95WydhbUTWig/JpqiB7oViTcHFP8Lv41IGtayokA8%3D' (2024-11-18)
• Updated input 'stylix/base16-vim':
'github:tinted-theming/base16-vim/6e955d704d046b0dc3e5c2d68a2a6eeffd2b5d3d?narHash=sha256-ZMhnNmw34ogE5rJZrjRv5MtG3WaqKd60ds2VXvT6hEc%3D' (2024-05-19)
→ 'github:tinted-theming/base16-vim/61165b1632409bd55e530f3dbdd4477f011cadc6?narHash=sha256-XIDexXM66sSh5j/x70e054BnUsviibUShW7XhbDGhYo%3D' (2024-11-18)
• Updated input 'stylix/flake-compat':
'github:edolstra/flake-compat/35bb57c0c8d8b62bbfd284272c928ceb64ddbde9?narHash=sha256-4gtG9iQuiKITOjNQQeQIpoIB6b16fm%2B504Ch3sNKLd8%3D' (2023-01-17)
→ 'github:edolstra/flake-compat/0f9255e01c2351cc7d116c072cb317785dd33b33?narHash=sha256-kvjfFW7WAETZlt09AgDn1MrtKzP7t90Vf7vypd3OL1U%3D' (2023-10-04)
• Updated input 'stylix/flake-utils':
'github:numtide/flake-utils/b1d9ab70662946ef0850d488da1c9019f3a9752a?narHash=sha256-SZ5L6eA7HJ/nmkzGG7/ISclqe6oZdOZTNoesiInkXPQ%3D' (2024-03-11)
→ 'github:numtide/flake-utils/11707dc2f618dd54ca8739b309ec4fc024de578b?narHash=sha256-l0KFg5HjrsfsO/JpG%2Br7fRrqm12kzFHyUHqHCVpMMbI%3D' (2024-11-13)
• Updated input 'stylix/home-manager':
'github:nix-community/home-manager/2f607e07f3ac7e53541120536708e824acccfaa8?narHash=sha256-0kZL4m%2BbKBJUBQse0HanewWO0g8hDdCvBhudzxgehqc%3D' (2024-11-05)
→ 'github:nix-community/home-manager/a9953635d7f34e7358d5189751110f87e3ac17da?narHash=sha256-GUffLwzawz5WRVfWaWCg78n/HrBJrOG7QadFY6rtV8A%3D' (2024-11-24)
• Updated input 'stylix/tinted-tmux':
'github:tinted-theming/tinted-tmux/c02050bebb60dbb20cb433cd4d8ce668ecc11ba7?narHash=sha256-wDPg5elZPcQpu7Df0lI5O8Jv4A3T6jUQIVg63KDU%2B3Q%3D' (2023-10-08)
→ 'github:tinted-theming/tinted-tmux/f0e7f7974a6441033eb0a172a0342e96722b4f14?narHash=sha256-1ohEFMC23elnl39kxWnjzH1l2DFWWx4DhFNNYDTYt54%3D' (2024-10-21)
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-26 15:02:15 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
dustin: use libreoffice-still
2024-11-26 14:45:49 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
fallarbor: sway -> hyprland
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / emudeck-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / petalburg-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-26 12:21:10 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
secrets: add aly_petalburg pub key
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / emudeck-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / petalburg-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-26 09:19:40 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
secrets: add aly@petalburg
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / emudeck-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / petalburg-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-25 23:13:03 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
flake: update home-manager
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / emudeck-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / petalburg-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-25 22:02:16 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
petalburg: enable steam gamescope session
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / emudeck-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / petalburg-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-25 20:30:21 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
petalburg: enable easyeffects
2024-11-25 20:30:05 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
petalburg: set display to 1.25 scale
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / emudeck-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / petalburg-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-25 15:22:26 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
hw/asus/a16: add asusd and rog-control-center
2024-11-25 15:21:35 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
syncthing: add petalburg
2024-11-25 15:13:23 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
secrets: add root_petalburg
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / emudeck-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / petalburg-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-25 15:00:15 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
pkgs: add emudeck (#177)
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / emudeck-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / petalburg-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
* pkgs: add emudeck
* overlays/default: add emudeck
* github: add emudeck
2024-11-25 08:26:11 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
petalburg: set scaling to 1.0
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / petalburg-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-24 21:19:55 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
petalburg: update password
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / petalburg-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-24 20:46:41 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
hosts: remove flakehub references from README
2024-11-24 20:38:25 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
hw/laptop: remove libcamera workaround
2024-11-24 20:37:24 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
flake: onboard petalburg (#174)
2024-11-24 20:32:06 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
aly: disable smart borders/gaps
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-24 19:41:38 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
hyprland: add hyprspace plugin
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-23 22:39:28 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
hypridle: turn screen off after 630s
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-23 19:35:50 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
desktop: set hyprland to use hypridle + hyprlock (#170)
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-23 08:26:21 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
chromium: add bitwarden and augmented steam
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-22 18:06:31 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
mauville: don't scale display
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-22 15:17:01 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
desktop: add pam rules for hyprlock
2024-11-22 15:16:48 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
syncthing: add roms folder; update pacifidlog id
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Has been cancelled
nix-check / eval-check (push) Has been cancelled
2024-11-18 11:56:02 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
flake.lock: Update (#168)
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
Flake lock file updates:
• Updated input 'disko':
'github:nix-community/disko/5fd852c4155a689098095406500d0ae3d04654a8?narHash=sha256-c9I3i1CwZ10SoM5npQQVnfwgvB86jAS3lT4ZqkRoSOI%3D' (2024-11-14)
→ 'github:nix-community/disko/cb64993826fa7a477490be6ccb38ba1fa1e18fa8?narHash=sha256-f3SSp1axoOk0NAI7oFdRzbxG2XPBSIXC%2B/DaAXnvS1A%3D' (2024-11-16)
• Updated input 'home-manager':
'github:nix-community/home-manager/1d0862ee2d7c6f6cd720d6f32213fa425004be10?narHash=sha256-Qq2YZZaDTB3FZLWU/Hgh1uuWlUBl3cMLGB99bm7rFUM%3D' (2024-11-14)
→ 'github:nix-community/home-manager/5056a1cf0ce7c2a08ab50713b6c4af77975f6111?narHash=sha256-icDDuYwJ0avTMZTxe1qyU/Baht5JOqw4pb5mWpR%2BhT0%3D' (2024-11-17)
• Updated input 'jovian':
'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS/7691d0ac1deb6ac7482c5a22fe1a14a34ca608b0?narHash=sha256-aGUQ6W/Oxd9xjH9RQbnUtC61sTK2fWlKr%2BJ7kavT/RQ%3D' (2024-11-10)
→ 'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS/a2c6d8d1acce49de8dc7ed951428aae901908316?narHash=sha256-AYB3yeogE9vtBuSStdFFmGR0kzGuumW4nrpdlcuZ/As%3D' (2024-11-16)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming':
'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/5b3cac90d7c3ceddbe6f2cfc5c6d0b66780d2ea3?narHash=sha256-wKfZUafXB/Wc%2Bf9JlDyAY20OFDUd4CZ3LF4Li%2BPpAX0%3D' (2024-11-14)
→ 'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/88cd24b3ea7301116fd5919f886e58d31c006ad3?narHash=sha256-l73nJDTaOzV8rIg/IFlkK5ya3F7/tPLI5HnQGzt4FCE%3D' (2024-11-17)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming/umu':
'git+' (2024-11-05)
→ 'git+' (2024-11-14)
• Updated input 'nixpkgs':
'github:nixos/nixpkgs/dc460ec76cbff0e66e269457d7b728432263166c?narHash=sha256-PbABj4tnbWFMfBp6OcUK5iGy1QY%2B/Z96ZcLpooIbuEI%3D' (2024-11-11)
→ 'github:nixos/nixpkgs/5e4fbfb6b3de1aa2872b76d49fafc942626e2add?narHash=sha256-OZiZ3m8SCMfh3B6bfGC/Bm4x3qc1m2SVEAlkV6iY7Yg%3D' (2024-11-15)
• Updated input 'nur':
'github:nix-community/NUR/a8697e4c4ea67d9d98d6d99716823c3346be8462?narHash=sha256-W0FXB6ErqWHW7LFhph%2BIAGrSlteOfL5yzmc1GOOS%2Bbs%3D' (2024-11-15)
→ 'github:nix-community/NUR/ac3ca33bee0460cd09d79288aada1f29e6f6aacf?narHash=sha256-E3QBnpoTVvKY8HZH99qIxRfoSgvJQuo5GbA8Tsmt2es%3D' (2024-11-17)
• Updated input 'stylix':
'github:danth/stylix/5ab1207b2fdeb5a022f2dd7cccf6be760f1b150f?narHash=sha256-Mm/JL8tFUS1SOmmZDPcswExUxzw0VpHcEyZI1h58CGA%3D' (2024-11-15)
→ 'github:danth/stylix/9b61cc39b2c82f01b63bb0ae85865d7372697fc4?narHash=sha256-71iRk7zLR%2Br9urKPEoutLqPm3Tex6gLbZyWPI4VoHIs%3D' (2024-11-17)
• Updated input 'stylix/home-manager':
'github:nix-community/home-manager/c2cd2a52e02f1dfa1c88f95abeb89298d46023be?narHash=sha256-UNky3lJNGQtUEXT2OY8gMxejakSWPTfWKvpFkpFlAfM%3D' (2024-08-23)
→ 'github:nix-community/home-manager/2f607e07f3ac7e53541120536708e824acccfaa8?narHash=sha256-0kZL4m%2BbKBJUBQse0HanewWO0g8hDdCvBhudzxgehqc%3D' (2024-11-05)
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-17 14:25:06 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
pacifidlog: disable mesa patches
2024-11-17 14:14:44 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
gtk: remove tooltip css
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-17 11:49:48 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
flake: update inputs (#167)
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Has been cancelled
nix-check / eval-check (push) Has been cancelled
* flake.lock: Update
Flake lock file updates:
• Updated input 'home-manager':
'github:nix-community/home-manager/35b055009afd0107b69c286fca34d2ad98940d57?narHash=sha256-2EckCJn4wxran/TsRiCOFcmVpep2m9EBKl99NBh2GnM%3D' (2024-11-13)
→ 'github:nix-community/home-manager/1d0862ee2d7c6f6cd720d6f32213fa425004be10?narHash=sha256-Qq2YZZaDTB3FZLWU/Hgh1uuWlUBl3cMLGB99bm7rFUM%3D' (2024-11-14)
• Updated input 'nur':
'github:nix-community/NUR/0b52d5e4307c0b9bed8c438a2a0300356cede857?narHash=sha256-xZrqREw7Fc%2BlgIMcMvyKiepSPBBy%2BHkopHvrkL1H/DI%3D' (2024-11-14)
→ 'github:nix-community/NUR/a8697e4c4ea67d9d98d6d99716823c3346be8462?narHash=sha256-W0FXB6ErqWHW7LFhph%2BIAGrSlteOfL5yzmc1GOOS%2Bbs%3D' (2024-11-15)
• Updated input 'stylix/tinted-foot':
'github:tinted-theming/tinted-foot/e558fe47e187093313f19fa6a9eea61940ffbd6b?narHash=sha256-ByMVgH0rZ1by2YIVJ47gE8/ZHWcG8yqsErQ4tKLbm7Q%3D' (2024-09-29)
→ 'github:tinted-theming/tinted-foot/eedbcfa30de0a4baa03e99f5e3ceb5535c2755ce?narHash=sha256-65bz2bUL/yzZ1c8/GQASnoiGwaF8DczlxJtzik1c0AU%3D' (2023-10-08)
* flake: unlock stylix
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-15 06:47:28 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
aly/firefox: update bookmarks
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-14 11:41:17 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
flake: update inputs (#166)
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
* flake.lock: Update
Flake lock file updates:
• Updated input 'disko':
'github:nix-community/disko/486250f404f4a4f4f33f8f669d83ca5f6e6b7dfc?narHash=sha256-cZ0QMpv5p2a6WEE%2Bo9uu0a4ma6RzQDOQTbm7PbixWz8%3D' (2024-11-10)
→ 'github:nix-community/disko/5fd852c4155a689098095406500d0ae3d04654a8?narHash=sha256-c9I3i1CwZ10SoM5npQQVnfwgvB86jAS3lT4ZqkRoSOI%3D' (2024-11-14)
• Updated input 'home-manager':
'github:nix-community/home-manager/60bb110917844d354f3c18e05450606a435d2d10?narHash=sha256-NjavpgE9/bMe/ABvZpyHIUeYF1mqR5lhaep3wB79ucs%3D' (2024-11-10)
→ 'github:nix-community/home-manager/35b055009afd0107b69c286fca34d2ad98940d57?narHash=sha256-2EckCJn4wxran/TsRiCOFcmVpep2m9EBKl99NBh2GnM%3D' (2024-11-13)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming':
'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/e9adb42d82ec425ff6218b6e45feb6a1a8eaddb0?narHash=sha256-O2piDr6aQmJd7USZkehOKTZale6jlG%2BDkoxEVRiu8Iw%3D' (2024-11-12)
→ 'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/5b3cac90d7c3ceddbe6f2cfc5c6d0b66780d2ea3?narHash=sha256-wKfZUafXB/Wc%2Bf9JlDyAY20OFDUd4CZ3LF4Li%2BPpAX0%3D' (2024-11-14)
• Updated input 'nixpkgs':
'github:nixos/nixpkgs/76612b17c0ce71689921ca12d9ffdc9c23ce40b2?narHash=sha256-IigrKK3vYRpUu%2BHEjPL/phrfh7Ox881er1UEsZvw9Q4%3D' (2024-11-09)
→ 'github:nixos/nixpkgs/dc460ec76cbff0e66e269457d7b728432263166c?narHash=sha256-PbABj4tnbWFMfBp6OcUK5iGy1QY%2B/Z96ZcLpooIbuEI%3D' (2024-11-11)
• Updated input 'nur':
'github:nix-community/NUR/4b0e599bebf4bdf6725cdf8036a335096bf13097?narHash=sha256-gFzX%2Be1ATJmhjOMvbBmqf1v4WgMz770dZhtGN4dZtng%3D' (2024-11-13)
→ 'github:nix-community/NUR/0b52d5e4307c0b9bed8c438a2a0300356cede857?narHash=sha256-xZrqREw7Fc%2BlgIMcMvyKiepSPBBy%2BHkopHvrkL1H/DI%3D' (2024-11-14)
• Updated input 'stylix':
'github:danth/stylix/6863412636c8f2cb3b7360f747fbd020fbfddf68?narHash=sha256-ti3gXhgVpIUL/7w6zDJuH%2BhOnyTZqxrIX/yYqALmiEI%3D' (2024-11-08)
→ 'github:danth/stylix/e0a278871b63b1800ccdda568861b5324dd93797?narHash=sha256-ohxX2gG7zDWIA3slEbiSyAVSiO98clCoL%2BCmiEiYwVU%3D' (2024-11-14)
* hpylrand: migrate settings to 0.45
* flake: lock stylix to rev with hyprland 0.45 fixes
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-14 11:15:20 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
flake.lock: Update (#163)
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
Flake lock file updates:
• Updated input 'nix-gaming':
'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/58ba2cbad8ffa91b426716d9425b41d701f379aa?narHash=sha256-QgkQZ9ZPYbhc%2B0iNWxHlrvdfHS9Z7k07qh/FKaxoqJY%3D' (2024-11-11)
→ 'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/e9adb42d82ec425ff6218b6e45feb6a1a8eaddb0?narHash=sha256-O2piDr6aQmJd7USZkehOKTZale6jlG%2BDkoxEVRiu8Iw%3D' (2024-11-12)
• Updated input 'nur':
'github:nix-community/NUR/7a90da52e605c22684cedc506e02d574042baa72?narHash=sha256-hoH/MuM9TDJgxFt2HeHWiF2NOSxSYH7ImFpRvivJkfA%3D' (2024-11-11)
→ 'github:nix-community/NUR/4b0e599bebf4bdf6725cdf8036a335096bf13097?narHash=sha256-gFzX%2Be1ATJmhjOMvbBmqf1v4WgMz770dZhtGN4dZtng%3D' (2024-11-13)
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-13 08:36:18 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
wayland/helpers: add fallbacks for swayosd if service crashes (#162)
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-12 20:01:46 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
flake.lock: Update (#161)
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Has been cancelled
nix-check / eval-check (push) Has been cancelled
Flake lock file updates:
• Updated input 'disko':
'github:nix-community/disko/5e40e02978e3bd63c2a6a9fa6fa8ba0e310e747f?narHash=sha256-aYE7oAYZ%2BgPU1mPNhM0JwLAQNgjf0/JK1BF1ln2KBgk%3D' (2024-11-08)
→ 'github:nix-community/disko/486250f404f4a4f4f33f8f669d83ca5f6e6b7dfc?narHash=sha256-cZ0QMpv5p2a6WEE%2Bo9uu0a4ma6RzQDOQTbm7PbixWz8%3D' (2024-11-10)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming':
'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/faf26ec552997488d75a0fdb07783c0c2edd3d5f?narHash=sha256-Ac3ff4w9%2BxePGX6TF90zEVyhdHJkhg58pUafvoAjVEY%3D' (2024-11-10)
→ 'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/58ba2cbad8ffa91b426716d9425b41d701f379aa?narHash=sha256-QgkQZ9ZPYbhc%2B0iNWxHlrvdfHS9Z7k07qh/FKaxoqJY%3D' (2024-11-11)
• Updated input 'nur':
'github:nix-community/NUR/5b5350f16cefe83e1a3ed3f30d69b6af654f0d52?narHash=sha256-DVFTn7Ol69nWLSFwnBj/2T3wptOC97MH4i5NHlkQrzk%3D' (2024-11-10)
→ 'github:nix-community/NUR/7a90da52e605c22684cedc506e02d574042baa72?narHash=sha256-hoH/MuM9TDJgxFt2HeHWiF2NOSxSYH7ImFpRvivJkfA%3D' (2024-11-11)
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-11 11:21:11 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
flake.lock: Update (#159)
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
Flake lock file updates:
• Updated input 'home-manager':
'github:nix-community/home-manager/2f607e07f3ac7e53541120536708e824acccfaa8?narHash=sha256-0kZL4m%2BbKBJUBQse0HanewWO0g8hDdCvBhudzxgehqc%3D' (2024-11-05)
→ 'github:nix-community/home-manager/60bb110917844d354f3c18e05450606a435d2d10?narHash=sha256-NjavpgE9/bMe/ABvZpyHIUeYF1mqR5lhaep3wB79ucs%3D' (2024-11-10)
• Updated input 'jovian':
'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS/93b525229c99fec0016db72a174f43b9d6237714?narHash=sha256-Zi2NfnEqB%2BXfxtnx6arIohSarXiJmwTqVa3nSpNWx30%3D' (2024-11-07)
→ 'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS/7691d0ac1deb6ac7482c5a22fe1a14a34ca608b0?narHash=sha256-aGUQ6W/Oxd9xjH9RQbnUtC61sTK2fWlKr%2BJ7kavT/RQ%3D' (2024-11-10)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming':
'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/0c25376479d11073346ed22de8571805543ede71?narHash=sha256-UHm56cW/04efHY4NgboGFOXliGQCqRRY%2Bl1HM7c8/Ms%3D' (2024-11-05)
→ 'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/faf26ec552997488d75a0fdb07783c0c2edd3d5f?narHash=sha256-Ac3ff4w9%2BxePGX6TF90zEVyhdHJkhg58pUafvoAjVEY%3D' (2024-11-10)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming/umu':
'git+' (2024-11-02)
→ 'git+' (2024-11-05)
• Updated input 'nixpkgs':
'github:nixos/nixpkgs/4aa36568d413aca0ea84a1684d2d46f55dbabad7?narHash=sha256-Zwl8YgTVJTEum%2BL%2B0zVAWvXAGbWAuXHax3KzuejaDyo%3D' (2024-11-05)
→ 'github:nixos/nixpkgs/76612b17c0ce71689921ca12d9ffdc9c23ce40b2?narHash=sha256-IigrKK3vYRpUu%2BHEjPL/phrfh7Ox881er1UEsZvw9Q4%3D' (2024-11-09)
• Updated input 'nur':
'github:nix-community/NUR/d6d316c32681e0f6db8eb914c339f447360904ba?narHash=sha256-oCppfqUBR62yDFwQ3CgtMgZ1LKmj6CqyriJCS1DEsog%3D' (2024-11-09)
→ 'github:nix-community/NUR/5b5350f16cefe83e1a3ed3f30d69b6af654f0d52?narHash=sha256-DVFTn7Ol69nWLSFwnBj/2T3wptOC97MH4i5NHlkQrzk%3D' (2024-11-10)
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-10 14:58:50 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
flake.lock: Update (#158)
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
Flake lock file updates:
• Updated input 'nur':
'github:nix-community/NUR/4141a7d99f27cf95f473d867a3296f606b2b4082?narHash=sha256-UUb4quaGjlyQ2tDiM6e4nw2T6VXop5KpcKxnHnxFy90%3D' (2024-11-08)
→ 'github:nix-community/NUR/d6d316c32681e0f6db8eb914c339f447360904ba?narHash=sha256-oCppfqUBR62yDFwQ3CgtMgZ1LKmj6CqyriJCS1DEsog%3D' (2024-11-09)
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-10 12:57:11 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
flake/inputs/stylix: source from master
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Has been cancelled
nix-check / eval-check (push) Has been cancelled
2024-11-08 13:49:55 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
flake.lock: Update (#157)
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
Flake lock file updates:
• Updated input 'disko':
'github:nix-community/disko/856a2902156ba304efebd4c1096dbf7465569454?narHash=sha256-sdY29RWz0S7VbaoTwSy6RummdHKf0wUTaBlqPxrtvmQ%3D' (2024-11-04)
→ 'github:nix-community/disko/60d4914b98d8501bdc487a55f7c3cd417746ac0e?narHash=sha256-tYcWXvLDB/6Iv1/VoaH1SgXVetT5UjeOMb2NgVnW5ZA%3D' (2024-11-08)
• Updated input 'jovian':
'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS/84da0883c26098a343b3056c025943d991d1c7f5?narHash=sha256-c9N34iMGlYvIhEDGEzidYoua/nJCjtXI0Sf/ZYtY4Ds%3D' (2024-11-06)
→ 'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS/93b525229c99fec0016db72a174f43b9d6237714?narHash=sha256-Zi2NfnEqB%2BXfxtnx6arIohSarXiJmwTqVa3nSpNWx30%3D' (2024-11-07)
• Updated input 'nur':
'github:nix-community/NUR/340b8c3ca8a5fcfe8a2230a5e76442b36f68e2ca?narHash=sha256-YDJ1R6NmTpGhLpXrlqp3p9H/ktr2BJD1GoG1WMagYRc%3D' (2024-11-06)
→ 'github:nix-community/NUR/708bdb183869f9b5e6611f306a1f092cd14a9cf0?narHash=sha256-uubOZgj2q0uclj4tWqmzIYKBzEzzDz1n%2B9Jbj%2BivQwg%3D' (2024-11-08)
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-08 08:05:31 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
hw/laptop:: only trigger ppd rules with ACAD
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-07 20:18:06 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
lavaridge: only trigger dynamic refresh rate with ACAD
2024-11-07 20:17:47 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
aly/firefox/work: install bitwarden
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-07 08:07:46 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
aly: set brave as default web browser
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
2024-11-06 20:14:41 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
flake: update inputs (#156)
* flake.lock: Update
Flake lock file updates:
• Updated input 'disko':
'github:nix-community/disko/3979285062d6781525cded0f6c4ff92e71376b55?narHash=sha256-o5m5WzvY6cGIDupuOvjgNSS8AN6yP2iI9MtUC6q/uos%3D' (2024-10-29)
→ 'github:nix-community/disko/856a2902156ba304efebd4c1096dbf7465569454?narHash=sha256-sdY29RWz0S7VbaoTwSy6RummdHKf0wUTaBlqPxrtvmQ%3D' (2024-11-04)
• Updated input 'home-manager':
'github:nix-community/home-manager/8ca921e5a806b5b6171add542defe7bdac79d189?narHash=sha256-0AfApF8aexgB6o34qqLW2cCX4LaWJajBVdU6ddiWZBM%3D' (2024-11-01)
→ 'github:nix-community/home-manager/2f607e07f3ac7e53541120536708e824acccfaa8?narHash=sha256-0kZL4m%2BbKBJUBQse0HanewWO0g8hDdCvBhudzxgehqc%3D' (2024-11-05)
• Updated input 'jovian':
'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS/bd1da5657b8903b293a0ff51eb896a91a544ebed?narHash=sha256-xmZQFGeIm2TzXv4jGaQ3nfBoUbt4gKbIv/SHVWw93ag%3D' (2024-11-01)
→ 'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS/84da0883c26098a343b3056c025943d991d1c7f5?narHash=sha256-c9N34iMGlYvIhEDGEzidYoua/nJCjtXI0Sf/ZYtY4Ds%3D' (2024-11-06)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming':
'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/bcc7c896b56ccd644ca2daea74dac05c1731f59d?narHash=sha256-dfxO6mkn1KkotGQXV93m/2MoS9ayLUwaIIbR3mReLd0%3D' (2024-11-01)
→ 'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/0c25376479d11073346ed22de8571805543ede71?narHash=sha256-UHm56cW/04efHY4NgboGFOXliGQCqRRY%2Bl1HM7c8/Ms%3D' (2024-11-05)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming/flake-parts':
'github:hercules-ci/flake-parts/3d04084d54bedc3d6b8b736c70ef449225c361b1?narHash=sha256-K5ZLCyfO/Zj9mPFldf3iwS6oZStJcU4tSpiXTMYaaL0%3D' (2024-10-01)
→ 'github:hercules-ci/flake-parts/506278e768c2a08bec68eb62932193e341f55c90?narHash=sha256-hgmguH29K2fvs9szpq2r3pz2/8cJd2LPS%2Bb4tfNFCwE%3D' (2024-11-01)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming/flake-parts/nixpkgs-lib':
'fb192fec7c .tar.gz?narHash=sha256-0xHYkMkeLVQAMa7gvkddbPqpxph%2BhDzdu1XdGPJR%2BOs%3D' (2024-10-01)
→ 'cc2f280002 .tar.gz?narHash=sha256-lXvH/vOfb4aGYyvFmZK/HlsNsr/0CVWlwYvo2rxJk3s%3D' (2024-11-01)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming/umu':
'git+' (2024-10-26)
→ 'git+' (2024-11-02)
• Updated input 'nixpkgs':
'github:nixos/nixpkgs/2768c7d042a37de65bb1b5b3268fc987e534c49d?narHash=sha256-AlcmCXJZPIlO5dmFzV3V2XF6x/OpNWUV8Y/FMPGd8Z4%3D' (2024-10-23)
→ 'github:nixos/nixpkgs/4aa36568d413aca0ea84a1684d2d46f55dbabad7?narHash=sha256-Zwl8YgTVJTEum%2BL%2B0zVAWvXAGbWAuXHax3KzuejaDyo%3D' (2024-11-05)
• Updated input 'nur':
'github:nix-community/NUR/0cec4b96fa9a9f3b348439ede1fd5ef46593b966?narHash=sha256-J8dDwKgRXrS6Jfija3Fu/UhsjtESq7LVc6rSd3TCRzc%3D' (2024-11-01)
→ 'github:nix-community/NUR/340b8c3ca8a5fcfe8a2230a5e76442b36f68e2ca?narHash=sha256-YDJ1R6NmTpGhLpXrlqp3p9H/ktr2BJD1GoG1WMagYRc%3D' (2024-11-06)
• Updated input 'stylix':
'github:danth/stylix/04afcfc0684d9bbb24bb1dc77afda7c1843ec93b?narHash=sha256-uGjTjvvlGQfQ0yypVP%2Bat0NizI2nrb6kz4wGAqzRGbY%3D' (2024-10-26)
→ 'github:danth/stylix/762c07ee10b381bc8e085be5b6c2ec43139f13b0?narHash=sha256-tGvmW0qih%2BdCAH9L4BEMYMiHcBoJVZtESbC9WH0EEuw%3D' (2024-11-06)
* flake: lock stylix to avoid hyprland config issues
* greetd: format
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-06 20:10:01 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
desktop/greetd: rever to tuigreet due to scaling issues
2024-11-06 19:49:48 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
Revert "flake.lock: Update (#154)" (#155)
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
This reverts commit fc532e5e29 .
2024-11-06 19:03:31 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
flake.lock: Update (#154)
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
Flake lock file updates:
• Updated input 'disko':
'github:nix-community/disko/3979285062d6781525cded0f6c4ff92e71376b55?narHash=sha256-o5m5WzvY6cGIDupuOvjgNSS8AN6yP2iI9MtUC6q/uos%3D' (2024-10-29)
→ 'github:nix-community/disko/856a2902156ba304efebd4c1096dbf7465569454?narHash=sha256-sdY29RWz0S7VbaoTwSy6RummdHKf0wUTaBlqPxrtvmQ%3D' (2024-11-04)
• Updated input 'home-manager':
'github:nix-community/home-manager/8ca921e5a806b5b6171add542defe7bdac79d189?narHash=sha256-0AfApF8aexgB6o34qqLW2cCX4LaWJajBVdU6ddiWZBM%3D' (2024-11-01)
→ 'github:nix-community/home-manager/2f607e07f3ac7e53541120536708e824acccfaa8?narHash=sha256-0kZL4m%2BbKBJUBQse0HanewWO0g8hDdCvBhudzxgehqc%3D' (2024-11-05)
• Updated input 'jovian':
'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS/bd1da5657b8903b293a0ff51eb896a91a544ebed?narHash=sha256-xmZQFGeIm2TzXv4jGaQ3nfBoUbt4gKbIv/SHVWw93ag%3D' (2024-11-01)
→ 'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS/84da0883c26098a343b3056c025943d991d1c7f5?narHash=sha256-c9N34iMGlYvIhEDGEzidYoua/nJCjtXI0Sf/ZYtY4Ds%3D' (2024-11-06)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming':
'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/bcc7c896b56ccd644ca2daea74dac05c1731f59d?narHash=sha256-dfxO6mkn1KkotGQXV93m/2MoS9ayLUwaIIbR3mReLd0%3D' (2024-11-01)
→ 'github:fufexan/nix-gaming/0c25376479d11073346ed22de8571805543ede71?narHash=sha256-UHm56cW/04efHY4NgboGFOXliGQCqRRY%2Bl1HM7c8/Ms%3D' (2024-11-05)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming/flake-parts':
'github:hercules-ci/flake-parts/3d04084d54bedc3d6b8b736c70ef449225c361b1?narHash=sha256-K5ZLCyfO/Zj9mPFldf3iwS6oZStJcU4tSpiXTMYaaL0%3D' (2024-10-01)
→ 'github:hercules-ci/flake-parts/506278e768c2a08bec68eb62932193e341f55c90?narHash=sha256-hgmguH29K2fvs9szpq2r3pz2/8cJd2LPS%2Bb4tfNFCwE%3D' (2024-11-01)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming/flake-parts/nixpkgs-lib':
'fb192fec7c .tar.gz?narHash=sha256-0xHYkMkeLVQAMa7gvkddbPqpxph%2BhDzdu1XdGPJR%2BOs%3D' (2024-10-01)
→ 'cc2f280002 .tar.gz?narHash=sha256-lXvH/vOfb4aGYyvFmZK/HlsNsr/0CVWlwYvo2rxJk3s%3D' (2024-11-01)
• Updated input 'nix-gaming/umu':
'git+' (2024-10-26)
→ 'git+' (2024-11-02)
• Updated input 'nixpkgs':
'github:nixos/nixpkgs/2768c7d042a37de65bb1b5b3268fc987e534c49d?narHash=sha256-AlcmCXJZPIlO5dmFzV3V2XF6x/OpNWUV8Y/FMPGd8Z4%3D' (2024-10-23)
→ 'github:nixos/nixpkgs/4aa36568d413aca0ea84a1684d2d46f55dbabad7?narHash=sha256-Zwl8YgTVJTEum%2BL%2B0zVAWvXAGbWAuXHax3KzuejaDyo%3D' (2024-11-05)
• Updated input 'nur':
'github:nix-community/NUR/0cec4b96fa9a9f3b348439ede1fd5ef46593b966?narHash=sha256-J8dDwKgRXrS6Jfija3Fu/UhsjtESq7LVc6rSd3TCRzc%3D' (2024-11-01)
→ 'github:nix-community/NUR/51420b39807738ce2e8c43f034c35cd6bc920076?narHash=sha256-QSy8CAkCkDImoLEyICxXtPW9N4rSC9QXcPE83OLXc1c%3D' (2024-11-06)
• Updated input 'stylix':
'github:danth/stylix/04afcfc0684d9bbb24bb1dc77afda7c1843ec93b?narHash=sha256-uGjTjvvlGQfQ0yypVP%2Bat0NizI2nrb6kz4wGAqzRGbY%3D' (2024-10-26)
→ 'github:danth/stylix/762c07ee10b381bc8e085be5b6c2ec43139f13b0?narHash=sha256-tGvmW0qih%2BdCAH9L4BEMYMiHcBoJVZtESbC9WH0EEuw%3D' (2024-11-06)
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2024-11-06 18:48:06 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
aly: don't install betterbird, dropped by upstream nixpkgs
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Has been cancelled
nix-check / eval-check (push) Has been cancelled
2024-11-04 12:02:57 -05:00 |
Aly Raffauf
flake: update inputs excl. nixpkgs (#147)
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / adjustor-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / pacifidlog-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-build / slateport-build (push) Has been cancelled
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Has been cancelled
nix-check / eval-check (push) Has been cancelled
2024-11-01 12:46:10 -04:00 |