{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let cfg = config.ar.home; in { config = lib.mkIf cfg.desktop.hyprland.enable { wayland.windowManager.hyprland = { enable = true; settings = let inherit (import ./vars.nix {inherit config lib pkgs;}) brightness defaultApps defaultWorkspaces layerrule media modifier screenshot volume windowManagerBinds windowrulev2 ; inherit (import ./scripts.nix {inherit config lib pkgs;}) clamshell idleD tablet wallpaperD; # Hyprland desktop utilities hyprnome = lib.getExe pkgs.hyprnome; in { inherit windowrulev2; animations = { enabled = true; bezier = "myBezier, 0.05, 0.9, 0.1, 1.05"; animation = [ "border, 1, 10, default" "borderangle, 1, 8, default" "fade, 1, 7, default" "specialWorkspace, 1, 6, default, slidevert" "windows, 1, 7, myBezier" "windowsOut, 1, 7, default, popin 80%" "workspaces, 1, 6, default" ]; }; bind = [ "${modifier} CONTROL, F12, exec, ${screenshot.region}" "${modifier} CONTROL, L, exec, ${defaultApps.lock}" "${modifier} SHIFT, S, movetoworkspace, special:magic" "${modifier} SHIFT, V, togglefloating" "${modifier} SHIFT, W, fullscreen" "${modifier} SHIFT, backslash, togglesplit" "${modifier} SHIFT, comma, exec, ${hyprnome} --previous --move" "${modifier} SHIFT, period, exec, ${hyprnome} --move" "${modifier}, B, exec, ${defaultApps.browser}" "${modifier}, C, killactive" "${modifier}, E, exec, ${defaultApps.editor}" "${modifier}, F, exec, ${defaultApps.fileManager}" "${modifier}, F11, exec, pkill -SIGUSR1 waybar" "${modifier}, M, exec, ${defaultApps.logout}" "${modifier}, PRINT, exec, ${screenshot.region}" "${modifier}, R, exec, ${defaultApps.launcher}" "${modifier}, S, togglespecialworkspace, magic" "${modifier}, T, exec, ${defaultApps.terminal}" "${modifier}, comma, exec, ${hyprnome} --previous" "${modifier}, mouse_down, workspace, +1" "${modifier}, mouse_up, workspace, -1" "${modifier}, period, exec, ${hyprnome}" ", PRINT, exec, ${screenshot.screen}" "CONTROL, F12, exec, ${screenshot.screen}" "CTRL ALT,M,submap,move" "CTRL ALT,R,submap,resize" ] ++ builtins.map (x: "${modifier}, ${toString x}, workspace, ${toString x}") defaultWorkspaces ++ builtins.map (x: "${modifier} SHIFT, ${toString x}, movetoworkspace, ${toString x}") defaultWorkspaces ++ lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (key: direction: "${modifier}, ${key}, movefocus, ${direction}") windowManagerBinds ++ lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (key: direction: "${modifier} SHIFT, ${key}, movewindow, ${direction}") windowManagerBinds ++ lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (key: direction: "${modifier} CONTROL SHIFT, ${key}, movecurrentworkspacetomonitor, ${direction}") windowManagerBinds; bindm = [ # Move/resize windows with mainMod + LMB/RMB and dragging "${modifier}, mouse:272, movewindow" "${modifier}, mouse:273, resizewindow" ]; bindl = [ # Volume, microphone, and media keys. ", xf86audiomute, exec, ${volume.mute}" ", xf86audiomicmute, exec, ${volume.micMute}" ", xf86audioplay, exec, ${media.play}" ", xf86audioprev, exec, ${media.prev}" ", xf86audionext, exec, ${media.next}" ] ++ builtins.map (switch: ",switch:${switch},exec,${tablet}") cfg.desktop.hyprland.tabletMode.tabletSwitches ++ lib.lists.optionals (cfg.desktop.hyprland.laptopMonitors != []) [ ",switch:on:Lid Switch,exec,${clamshell} on" ",switch:off:Lid Switch,exec,${clamshell} off" ]; bindle = [ # Display, volume, microphone, and media keys. ", xf86monbrightnessup, exec, ${brightness.up}" ", xf86monbrightnessdown, exec, ${brightness.down}" ", xf86audioraisevolume, exec, ${volume.up}" ", xf86audiolowervolume, exec, ${volume.down}" ]; decoration = { inherit layerrule; blur = { enabled = true; passes = 1; size = 8; }; "col.shadow" = "rgba(${lib.strings.removePrefix "#" cfg.theme.colors.shadow}EE)"; dim_special = 0.5; drop_shadow = true; rounding = 10; shadow_range = 4; shadow_render_power = 3; }; dwindle.preserve_split = true; env = [ "QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME,qt6ct" "XCURSOR_SIZE,${toString config.home.pointerCursor.size}" ]; exec-once = [ wallpaperD (lib.getExe pkgs.waybar) idleD (lib.getExe pkgs.wayland-pipewire-idle-inhibit) (lib.getExe' pkgs.blueman "blueman-applet") (lib.getExe' pkgs.networkmanagerapplet "nm-applet") (lib.getExe' pkgs.playerctl "playerctld") (lib.getExe' pkgs.swayosd "swayosd-server") (lib.getExe pkgs.mako) "${pkgs.mate.mate-polkit}/libexec/polkit-mate-authentication-agent-1" ] ++ lib.lists.optional (cfg.desktop.hyprland.redShift) "${lib.getExe pkgs.gammastep} -l 33.74:-84.38"; input = { follow_mouse = 1; kb_layout = "us"; kb_variant = "altgr-intl"; sensitivity = 0; # -1.0 to 1.0, 0 means no modification. touchpad = { clickfinger_behavior = true; drag_lock = true; middle_button_emulation = true; natural_scroll = true; tap-to-click = true; }; }; general = { "col.active_border" = "rgba(${lib.strings.removePrefix "#" cfg.theme.colors.secondary}EE) rgba(${lib.strings.removePrefix "#" cfg.theme.colors.primary}EE) 45deg"; "col.inactive_border" = "rgba(${lib.strings.removePrefix "#" cfg.theme.colors.inactive}AA)"; allow_tearing = false; border_size = 2; gaps_in = 5; gaps_out = 6; layout = "dwindle"; }; gestures = { workspace_swipe = true; workspace_swipe_touch = true; }; master = { always_center_master = true; new_status = false; }; misc = { disable_hyprland_logo = true; disable_splash_rendering = true; focus_on_activate = true; vfr = true; }; monitor = [",preferred,auto,auto"] ++ cfg.desktop.hyprland.laptopMonitors ++ cfg.desktop.hyprland.monitors; xwayland.force_zero_scaling = true; }; extraConfig = let inherit (import ./vars.nix {inherit config lib pkgs;}) defaultWorkspaces windowManagerBinds ; # Hyprland desktop utilities hyprnome = lib.getExe pkgs.hyprnome; in '' submap=resize binde=,down,resizeactive,0 10 binde=,left,resizeactive,-10 0 binde=,right,resizeactive,10 0 binde=,up,resizeactive,0 -10 binde=,j,resizeactive,0 10 binde=,h,resizeactive,-10 0 binde=,l,resizeactive,10 0 binde=,k,resizeactive,0 -10 bind=,escape,submap,reset submap=reset submap=move # Move window with keys ++ # Move workspaces across monitors with CONTROL + keys. ${ lib.strings.concatLines ( lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (key: direction: '' bind = , ${key}, movewindow, ${direction} bind = CONTROL, ${key}, movecurrentworkspacetomonitor, ${direction} '') windowManagerBinds ) } # Move active window to a workspace with [1-9] ${ lib.strings.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (x: "bind = , ${toString x}, movetoworkspace, ${toString x}") defaultWorkspaces } # hyprnome bind = , comma, exec, ${hyprnome} --previous --move bind = , period, exec, ${hyprnome} --move bind=,escape,submap,reset submap=reset ''; }; }; }