{ config, pkgs, ... }: { ## Enable the X11 windowing system. services.xserver = { enable = true; xkb.layout = "us"; xkb.variant = ""; excludePackages = with pkgs; [ xterm ]; }; ## Needed for Flatpaks xdg.portal.enable = true; services.flatpak.enable = true; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ firefox gnome.gnome-software google-chrome zoom-us ]; fonts.fontDir.enable = true; system.fsPackages = [ pkgs.bindfs ]; fileSystems = let mkRoSymBind = path: { device = path; fsType = "fuse.bindfs"; options = [ "ro" "resolve-symlinks" "x-gvfs-hide" ]; }; aggregatedFonts = pkgs.buildEnv { name = "system-fonts"; paths = config.fonts.packages; pathsToLink = [ "/share/fonts" ]; }; in { # Create an FHS mount to support flatpak host icons/fonts "/usr/share/icons" = mkRoSymBind (config.system.path + "/share/icons"); "/usr/share/fonts" = mkRoSymBind (aggregatedFonts + "/share/fonts"); }; }