{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let cfg = config.ar.home; focused = config.lib.stylix.colors.base0D; helpers = import ../wayland/helpers.nix {inherit config lib pkgs;}; modifier = "Super"; unfocused = config.lib.stylix.colors.base03; urgent = config.lib.stylix.colors.base08; in { enable = true; extraConfig = '' touchpad=`riverctl list-inputs|grep -i touchpad` for t in ''${touchpad[@]}; do riverctl input $t natural-scroll enabled riverctl input $t click-method clickfinger riverctl input $t tap enabled riverctl input $t disable-while-typing enabled done for i in $(seq 1 8) do tags=$((1 << ($i - 1))) # ${modifier}+[1-9] to focus tag [0-8] riverctl map normal ${modifier} $i set-focused-tags $tags # ${modifier}+Shift+[1-9] to tag focused view with tag [0-8] riverctl map normal ${modifier}+Shift $i set-view-tags $tags # ${modifier}+Control+[1-9] to toggle focus of tag [0-8] riverctl map normal ${modifier}+Control $i toggle-focused-tags $tags # ${modifier}+Shift+Control+[1-9] to toggle tag [0-8] of focused view riverctl map normal ${modifier}+Shift+Control $i toggle-view-tags $tags done ''; systemd.enable = true; settings = { border-color-focused = "0x${focused}"; border-color-unfocused = "0x${unfocused}"; border-color-urgent = "0x${urgent}"; border-width = 4; default-layout = "rivertile"; declare-mode = [ "locked" "normal" ]; focus-follows-cursor = "normal"; map = { normal = { "${modifier} B" = "spawn ${lib.getExe cfg.defaultApps.webBrowser}"; "${modifier} C" = "close"; "${modifier} E" = "spawn ${lib.getExe cfg.defaultApps.editor}"; "${modifier} F" = "spawn ${lib.getExe cfg.defaultApps.fileManager}"; "${modifier} M" = ''spawn "${lib.getExe config.programs.rofi.package} -show power-menu -modi 'power-menu:${lib.getExe pkgs.rofi-power-menu} --choices=logout/lockscreen/suspend/shutdown/reboot'"''; "${modifier} R" = "spawn '${lib.getExe config.programs.rofi.package} -show combi'"; "${modifier} T" = "spawn ${lib.getExe cfg.defaultApps.terminal}"; "${modifier}+Control L" = "spawn ${lib.getExe pkgs.swaylock}"; "${modifier}+Shift V" = "toggle-float"; "${modifier}+Shift W" = "toggle-fullscreen"; "${modifier} Tab" = "spawn '${lib.getExe config.programs.rofi.package} -show window'"; "Control F12" = "spawn ${helpers.screenshot}"; "None Print" = "spawn ${helpers.screenshot}"; } // lib.attrsets.concatMapAttrs (key: direction: { "${modifier} ${key}" = "focus-view ${direction}"; "${modifier}+Shift ${key}" = "move ${direction}"; "${modifier}+Control+Shift ${key}" = "send-to-output ${direction}"; }) cfg.desktop.windowManagerBinds; }; map-pointer.normal = { "${modifier} BTN_LEFT" = "move-view"; "${modifier} BTN_RIGHT" = "resize-view"; }; rule-add = { "" = "ssd"; }; spawn = [ "rivertile" "${pkgs.polkit_gnome}/libexec/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1" ]; }; }