{ config, lib, pkgs, self, ... }: { home-manager = { sharedModules = [ { xdg.userDirs.music = "/mnt/Media/Music"; ar.home.desktop.hyprland.autoSuspend = false; } ]; users.aly = lib.mkForce { imports = [self.homeManagerModules.aly]; systemd.user = { services = { backblaze-sync = { Unit.Description = "Backup to Backblaze."; Service.ExecStart = "${pkgs.writeShellScript "backblaze-sync" '' declare -A backups backups=( ['/home/aly/pics/camera']="b2://aly-camera" ['/home/aly/sync']="b2://aly-sync" ['/mnt/Archive/Archive']="b2://aly-archive" ['/mnt/Media/Audiobooks']="b2://aly-audiobooks" ['/mnt/Media/Music']="b2://aly-music" ) # Recursively backup folders to B2 with sanity checks. for folder in "''${!backups[@]}"; do if [ -d "$folder" ] && [ "$(ls -A "$folder")" ]; then ${lib.getExe pkgs.backblaze-b2} sync --delete $folder ''${backups[$folder]} else echo "$folder does not exist or is empty." exit 1 fi done ''}"; }; build-hosts = { Unit.Description = "Build nixosConfiguration for each host."; Service.ExecStart = "${pkgs.writeShellScript "build-hosts" '' hosts=( fallarbor lavaridge petalburg rustboro ) for h in "''${hosts[@]}"; do nix build github:alyraffauf/nixcfg#nixosConfigurations.$h.config.system.build.toplevel --json | ${lib.getExe pkgs.jq} -r '.[].outputs | to_entries[].value' | ${lib.getExe' pkgs.cachix "cachix"} push alyraffauf done ''}"; }; }; timers = { backblaze-sync = { Install.WantedBy = ["timers.target"]; Timer.OnCalendar = "*-*-* 03:00:00"; Unit.Description = "Daily backups to Backblaze."; }; build-hosts = { Install.WantedBy = ["timers.target"]; Timer.OnCalendar = "*-*-* 06:00:00"; Unit.Description = "Build hosts daily."; }; }; }; }; }; }