Aly Raffauf 3671401d62
Some checks are pending
git-mirror / gitlab-sync (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / default-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / petalburg-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rustboro-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / fmt-check (push) Waiting to run
nix-check / eval-check (push) Waiting to run
theme: overhaul (#78)
* add nord css

* waybar: workaround to avoid hardcoding rgba colors

* alacritty: fix fotn references

* kitty: add custom theme

* waybar: fmt

* aly: remove zed transparency rules

* theme: customize adwaita

* aly: set colors

* desktop: borders 2px -> 4px

* mako: increase border size

* theme: add teritiary color

* hyprland: ignorezero for rofi

* theme: remove teritary color option

* rofi: dynamic theme

* waybar: cleanup

* aly: override helix theme to rose-pine-moon

* return to old defaults

* theme: restore gtk recoloring

* waybar: remove transparency

* aly/theme: mtch rosé pine font color

* theme: add global border-radius options

* theme: add borderRadius

* mauville: override with rose pine dawn colors

* mauville: force override with rose pine dawn colors
2024-08-09 18:16:46 -04:00

58 lines
1.5 KiB

}: let
cfg =;
in {
config = lib.mkIf {
services.mako = {
actions = true;
anchor = "top-center";
backgroundColor = "${cfg.theme.colors.background}99";
borderColor = "${cfg.theme.colors.primary}CC";
borderRadius = cfg.theme.borderRadius;
borderSize = 4;
defaultTimeout = 10000;
enable = true;
font = "${} Regular ${toString cfg.theme.sansFont.size}";
height = 300;
iconPath = "${pkgs.papirus-icon-theme}/share/icons/Papirus/";
icons = true;
layer = "top";
margin = "20,0";
padding = "15";
textColor = "${cfg.theme.colors.text}";
width = 400;
extraConfig = ''
on-notify=exec ${lib.getExe pkgs.mpv} ${pkgs.sound-theme-freedesktop}/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/message.oga
}; = {
Unit = {
After = "";
Description = "Lightweight Wayland notification daemon";
Documentation = "man:mako(1)";
PartOf = "";
Service = {
BusName = "org.freedesktop.Notifications";
ExecReload = ''${lib.getExe' pkgs.mako "makoctl"} reload'';
ExecStart = "${lib.getExe pkgs.mako}";
Restart = "on-failure";
RestartSec = 5;
Type = "dbus";
Install.WantedBy = ["" ""];