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synced 2024-12-22 14:52:56 -05:00
Aly Raffauf
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nix-build / clean-install-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / hhd-ui-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / rofi-bluetooth-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / fallarbor-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / lavaridge-build (push) Waiting to run
nix-build / mauville-build (push) Waiting to run
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243 lines
7.6 KiB
243 lines
7.6 KiB
}: let
cfg = config.ar.home;
scripts = import ./scripts.nix {inherit config lib pkgs;};
helpers = import ../wayland/helpers.nix {inherit config lib pkgs;};
in {
"$mod" = "SUPER";
animations = {
enabled = true;
bezier = "myBezier,0.05,0.9,0.1,1.05";
animation = [
"windowsOut,1,7,default,popin 80%"
bind =
''$mod,M,exec,${lib.getExe config.programs.rofi.package} -show power-menu -modi "power-menu:${lib.getExe pkgs.rofi-power-menu} --choices=logout/lockscreen/suspend/shutdown/reboot"''
"$mod CTRL,L,exec,${lib.getExe' pkgs.systemd "loginctl"} lock-session"
"$mod SHIFT,backslash,togglesplit"
"$mod SHIFT,comma,exec,${lib.getExe pkgs.hyprnome} --previous --move"
"$mod SHIFT,G,togglegroup"
"$mod SHIFT,M,layoutmsg,swapwithmaster master"
"$mod SHIFT,period,exec,${lib.getExe pkgs.hyprnome} --move"
"$mod SHIFT,R,exec,${lib.getExe config.programs.rofi.package} -show run"
"$mod SHIFT,S,movetoworkspace,special:magic"
"$mod SHIFT,Tab,exec,${lib.getExe config.programs.rofi.package} -show window"
"$mod SHIFT,V,togglefloating"
"$mod SHIFT,W,fullscreen"
"$mod,B,exec,${lib.getExe cfg.defaultApps.webBrowser}"
"$mod,comma,exec,${lib.getExe pkgs.hyprnome} --previous"
"$mod,E,exec,${lib.getExe cfg.defaultApps.editor}"
"$mod,F,exec,${lib.getExe cfg.defaultApps.fileManager}"
"$mod,F11,exec,pkill -SIGUSR1 waybar"
"$mod,period,exec,${lib.getExe pkgs.hyprnome}"
"$mod,R,exec,${lib.getExe config.programs.rofi.package} -show combi"
"$mod,T,exec,${lib.getExe cfg.defaultApps.terminal}"
"CTRL ALT,M,submap,move"
"CTRL ALT,R,submap,resize"
++ builtins.map (x: "$mod SHIFT,${toString x},movetoworkspace,${toString x}") [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
++ builtins.map (x: "$mod,${toString x},workspace,${toString x}") [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
++ lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (key: direction: "$mod CTRL SHIFT,${key},movecurrentworkspacetomonitor,${builtins.substring 0 1 direction}") cfg.desktop.windowManagerBinds
++ lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (key: direction: "$mod SHIFT,${key},movewindow,${builtins.substring 0 1 direction}") cfg.desktop.windowManagerBinds
++ lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (key: direction: "$mod,${key},movefocus,${builtins.substring 0 1 direction}") cfg.desktop.windowManagerBinds;
bindm = [
# Move/resize windows with mainMod + LMB/RMB and dragging
bindl =
# Volume, microphone, and media keys.
++ builtins.map (switch: ",switch:${switch},exec,${scripts.tablet}") cfg.desktop.hyprland.tabletMode.switches
++ lib.lists.optionals (cfg.desktop.hyprland.laptopMonitors != [])
",switch:on:Lid Switch,exec,${scripts.clamshell} on"
",switch:off:Lid Switch,exec,${scripts.clamshell} off"
bindle = [
# Display, volume, microphone, and media keys.
decoration = {
blur = {
enabled = true;
passes = 2;
popups = true;
size = 8;
dim_special = 0.5;
layerrule = [
rounding = cfg.theme.borders.radius;
shadow = {
enabled = true;
range = 4;
render_power = 3;
dwindle.preserve_split = true;
env = [
exec-once = [
input = {
follow_mouse = 1;
kb_layout = "us";
kb_variant = "altgr-intl";
sensitivity = 0; # -1.0 to 1.0, 0 means no modification.
touchpad = {
clickfinger_behavior = true;
drag_lock = true;
middle_button_emulation = true;
natural_scroll = true;
tap-to-click = true;
general = {
allow_tearing = false;
border_size = 4;
gaps_in = 5;
gaps_out = 6;
layout = "dwindle";
gestures = {
workspace_swipe = true;
workspace_swipe_touch = true;
group = {
groupbar = {
height = 24;
text_color = lib.mkForce "rgb(${config.lib.stylix.colors.base00})";
font_size = config.stylix.fonts.sizes.desktop;
misc = {
disable_hyprland_logo = true;
disable_splash_rendering = true;
focus_on_activate = true;
font_family = config.stylix.fonts.sansSerif.name;
vfr = true;
monitor =
++ cfg.desktop.hyprland.laptopMonitors
++ cfg.desktop.hyprland.monitors;
plugin = {
overview = {
exitOnSwitch = true;
gaps_in = 5;
gaps_out = 6;
onBottom = true;
overrideGaps = true;
showEmptyWorkspace = true;
showNewWorkspace = true;
workspaceActiveBorder = "rgb(${config.lib.stylix.colors.base0D})";
workspaceBorderSize = 4;
workspaceInactiveBorder = "rgb(${config.lib.stylix.colors.base03})";
workspaceMargin = 40;
windowrulev2 = [
"center(1),initialTitle:(File Operation Progress)"
"float,class:^(firefox)$, title:^(Picture-in-Picture)$"
"float,initialTitle:(File Operation Progress)"
"move 70% 20%, class:^(firefox)$, title:^(Picture-in-Picture)$"
"pin,class:^(firefox)$, title:^(Picture-in-Picture)$"
"size 40% 20%,initialTitle:(File Operation Progress)"
"size 40% 60%,class:(.blueman-manager-wrapped)"
"size 40% 60%,class:(blueberry.py)"
"size 40% 60%,class:(com.github.wwmm.easyeffects)"
"size 40% 60%,class:(nm-connection-editor)"
"size 40% 60%,class:(pavucontrol)"
"suppressevent maximize, class:.*"
xwayland.force_zero_scaling = true;